What do you need?
What do you really need?
That’s it really?
What do you need?
What do you really need?
What do you really really need?
I’m giving you permission to ask yourselves the questions. I’m urging you to ask yourself those questions over the next few weeks as the end of term builds into it’s full frenzy and the Christmas holidays take on a life of your own.
Actually, I’m recommending that you create a routine of asking yourselves those questions. Whether it’s every morning, every evening, or every time you feel yourself holding your tongue, muttering under the breath.
In fact, I’m going to suggest that you monitor your own reactions and figure out how to best watch out for the signs ‘it’s all getting a bit much’.
And I’m absolutely going to insist that when you figure out the answer to the question that you take some action in response to the answer. Unless it’s burning the house down of course.
I’m hoping it’s something more along the lines of -
A bit of fresh air
A laugh with a friend
A little bit of time alone.
Saying no to something.
But that you also give space to those deeper needs -
Figuring out how you can reduce your load long term.
Creating a routine that helps you be healthy.
Tracking your perimenopause symptoms, deciding on the right route for you and seeing your doctor.
Nurturing the relationships that are important to you.
Most of all I’m going to remind you that it matters. What you need matters. It matters because you matter. It matters because when you don’t meet your needs it has a knock on effect on your health, your work and your relationship and ultimately affects everyone around you.
But mostly, because you matter.
Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.