Perhaps we mean something different by business. Of course it matters to him. At no point have I suggested he doesn't have a right to care about it. At no point have I suggested there shouldn't be a discussion about it. But there are boundaries here. Only she can make the choices that will change her body. It's up to her. She's got a long road ahead of her and she has to be committed to it. Tackling this kind of weight gain is a complex problem. Focusing on women's appearance often makes the problem worse. It can lead to comfort eating, to unhealthy dieting practices, to hiding behind more weight, to a level of self-consciousness that pretty much precludes activity. The sensible discussions here are around health. If he can support her in becoming healthy - and that may well mean mentally healthy as well as physically healthy, then that will show itself in her appearance. But concentrating on her appearance will very likely be counter-productive.